Friday, January 23, 2009

hug a tree!

So here are my confessions so far as a manhattan girl, first that i haven't done anything touristy yet because i'm afraid to go outside alone, second i've sat in the apartment everyday since i got here and i'm getting depressed, third this place is LOUD, for heavens sake stop making noise for like a second. I also am having trouble sleeping because for some reason only at night there is this really strange sound coming from somewhere in the building that sounds like bamboo sticks getting rolled together, i think someone in our building is a whore and the sound is resulting from his/her sex torture. our apartment is so stinking hot i have to leave the window open all the time and i'm sure that at any minute a man dressed in black with a black beanie and a mexi stache is going to come crawling through it, i'd turn the heat down, but we can't control it. there is a mysterious button in our kitchen and finally yesterday i had the gall to push it and i heard a shrill buzzing noise coming from downstairs simultaneously, brilliant i know, now all i have to do is figure out how to look out the window to make sure someone is by the door and push the button from across the room at the same time! this would be much easier if i had an accomplice or two.. ahem (emily and kristal). anyway to be fair, i do go outside sometimes but not unless i have directions to where i'm going, like today i made it the 20 blocks to cory's work to meet him for lunch and i must say new york is FABULOUS! i'm really looking forward to getting to know the city better and becoming more familiar with places so that i can enjoy it that much more. OH, and i saw trees today for the first time since i've been here! not like a tree in the middle of a sidewalk, i went past bryant park and there was a plethora of beautiful trees! i wanted to run to them and hug them! so wherever you are right now run outside and hug a tree for me!


  1. Holy cow, I laughed my head off reading this post! New York from the eyes of Corina... classic!

  2. Wow wee! I love it because I sound like you, but I live in my home town. Anywho I wish I could come visit you, once I find a job maybe then. Love you Corina!
