Friday, February 20, 2009


I can't think of a reason why I decided to take a person's advice who I knew was quite possibly certifiably crazy.. but i did. the guy at the post office a few posts back? yeah, well I guess i thought it couldn't hurt to try out the rose water deal he told me about. i checked a few health and beauty stores and no one carried it, so since the roses cory got me for v-day were about to die i figured i would make my own. doesn't sound very challenging right? well the only 'recipe' i could find online called for a pressure cooker, a brick, and ice.. none of which i had. so i decided to use a pot, boil water and put the roses in it, and then fill the sink part way with cold water and set the pan in it after i was done cooking the petals, didn't sound like a bad idea. After the water started simmering i put the flowers in the pot. Thinking that soon there would be a beautiful aroma filling the apartment i put the lid on the pot and started filling the sink with cold water. Crunching on a celery stick with some peanut butter i started smelling this horrid smell of all smells. Buuuhhh, I almost threw up and my gag reflex is not very sensitive. I opened the lid to the pot and the water was brown and the petals of the roses were yellow brown.. sick! OH the SMELL! oh my heck, i thought i put roses in the pot, but it sure smelled like someone took a nasty dump in there. Operation rose water is now over!

1 comment:

  1. ewww gross. I meant to comment before, but I think i was busy... but anyways. sounds horrible! Once my friends and I decided to make perfume in our little plastic pool, that was pretty sick too, luckily we made ours in the great outdoors instead of an apartment... haha, i love your posts
